In the United States, ASC 606 requires Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)-compliant companies to record revenue adhering to a five-step process. Revenue can be recognized by following each of the steps below:
1. Identify the contract or contracts with the customer.
2. Identify the contract's specific performance obligations.
3. Determine the transaction price.
4. Allocate the transaction price to performance obligations.
5. Recognize revenue when you've fulfilled each performance obligation.
Selling physical goods can make revenue recognition tricky. Revenue is recognized when the company has fulfilled each performance obligation. In the case of ecommerce, we often run into customers facing challenges with the following issues:
A customer orders multiple items that are fulfilled at different times. This means that revenue needs to be recognized on a unit level versus an order level.
The company pre-sells units that are not shipped until a much later date. Depending on the order system this data will often show up in sales figures but should not be included in recognized revenue.
A customer may place an order that is later canceled by the customer or the company for various reasons.
Similar to pre-orders and depending on the order system this data may show up in sales figures. However, gift cards represent a liability and a form of future payment that is unrelated to revenue recognition when the gift card is sold.
Depending on the company’s systems limitations we often see companies charge a customer’s credit card at the time of order instead of at the time of fulfillment. This can create complications in an accounting team’s process where traditionally a company fulfills an order, which then creates a receivable that is eventually paid and closed.
Performance obligations are considered met when goods are shipped (not delivered) by default in Blue Onion.
Each company is different and there are some differences in the revenue recognition criteria of ASC 606 and IFRS 15. We encourage all users to review their revenue recognition with certified accountants in their jurisdiction.
While we are a team of former accountants, we are not in the business of providing professional services. The information presented is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional accounting, tax, or legal advice. We recommend that you consult with a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or lawyer who is familiar with the specific needs and nuances of your business.